Lanie Damon


One-on-One Consultation / Counseling
The majority of my work is with individuals around career choice/change and life and strategic planning. I create an individualized plan for clients based on major factors that impact career and life choices. The plan is a blend influenced first by Health Realization, followed by Sunny Hansen's Integrative Life Planning model and The Highlands Program Eight Critical Factors. This is a reflective manner of working and is process oriented. It can take time (weeks or months) to develop and implement. It's a growth process and best when it is unhurried. Consequently I encourage clients to make at least a three month commitment to the process.

I have particular expertise in interpreting The Highlands Ability Battery, having used this instrument for nearly 20 years, and preferring it over all other assessments. While the information is not always new to my clients, having confirmation of problem solving capacity, communication abilities, strengths and weaknesses can be most helpful in the career exploration process, no matter what one’s age or stage of career. I am skilled in helping professionals apply information from the Battery to workplace situations and work more effectively and efficiently from a strength orientation.

In addition to my private practice, currently I work part time as a Career Specialist at Georgia Tech in Career Services, seeing undergraduate students who struggle with choice of major and choice of career following graduation. My long tenure in abilities assessment and work with more seasoned adults very much informs my work with students, helping them look to the bigger vision of what they want for themselves.

What Happens One-to-One?

Real People
Almost every adult client with whom I have worked has identified values conflicts as the primary reason motivating his or her change:
  • Attorneys have left one practice of law for another because of life balance priorities, wanting to help a broader population, need for a tangible product (moving from benefits / compensation to patent law). Some have moved from the direct practice of law to administrative / policy positions in the not-for-profit sector.
  • Artistic /creative individuals have redirected their focus to greater fulfillment in "meeting their muses," moving from strict journalism reporting to writing human interest stories; from teaching English to craft building; from specialized photography to teaching creative writing. These moves were precipitated in the realization that "the job" was not what they wanted and that their craft and creation was more significant to them than someone else's opinion of what they should do to earn a living.
  • Consultants as former clients have made the decision to leave the corporate world to assist the not-for-profit sector with marketing their causes.
  • I am fascinated with the creative process and apply that broadly to the solving of problems in every environment imaginable. My role is to help you situate yourself where your own creativity can contribute the most. When our creative juices are flowing we are much happier and fulfilled in our lives. We create joy for ourselves and those around us can enjoy also.

    I welcome your comments and reflections. Please be in touch with me by phone or email.

    (678) 665-4001 (cell)

    Lanie Damon
    M.S., LPC, NCC, DCC